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About Charshade Press

My mission is to help authors like me! 


My passion is guiding authors through their publishing journey, honing their craft, and elevating their work to new heights. With years of experience and a love for the transformative power of editing, I offer a range of services tailored to support you from concept to publication.


Starting from the genesis of your writing process, my developmental editing service helps refine your plot, tie up loose ends, and bring your characters' arcs to fruition, turning a first draft into a polished manuscript.


When it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty of your prose, my line editing service focuses on smoothing out sentences, ensuring clarity and coherence while maintaining your unique voice.


And when you've typed those two magic words, "The End," my copyediting and proofreading services step in to meticulously polish your manuscript, ensuring it's flawless and ready to captivate readers or impress agents.


Need help with formatting? I've got you covered there, too. With my manuscript formatting service, your final product will not only shine in content but also presentation.


Whether you're an aspiring writer or a seasoned author, everyone can benefit from a skilled editor. Let me be the one to help you make your manuscript shine.


(347) 857-7015‬


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